Valentine Livestock will be hosting a Rollover Auction
Thursday, February 20 at 3:00 p.m.
Proceeds to help defeat Mandatory EID tag rule Effected by USDA
Proceeds to go to R-CALF USA
Upcoming Bull Sales
Upcoming Cattle Sales
Market Reports
South Dakota Producers
Shipper permits are required before crossing state lines.
To obtain a shippers permit you can call 1-877-574-0054
South Dakota Brand board 605-773-3324
For Monday sales – You are allowed 48 hours before crossing state lines to acquire shipper’s permit. Call Friday for Saturday/Sunday arrivals.
For holidays – South Dakota Brand Office is closed
- Call as usual and listen for alternate calling options.
- Log onto to locate an inspector
- Click inspectors to find a shippers agent
If shippers are not called before crossing the state line your check will be held until South Dakota investigators get the information they need to write a violation

Any buyers interested in attaining buyer approval on Cattle USA- please submit your application before sale day! Approval on sale day is very difficult if not impossible. Your understanding is appreciated!

Valentine Livestock Auction is your source for feeder cattle & replacement stock from ranches in the Sandhills of Nebraska.
We are open the year around, regular feeder cattle sales are held every Thursday in season, with special weigh-up cow sales on Mondays, as needed.
Valentine Livestock is an approved NHTC market (Non Hormone Treated Cattle)
Listen to KVSH “940” Thurs at 3:00 P.M. for live broadcast
Visit our Facebook page for up to date information
Watch live video broadcast of special sales on
Cattle Country Video

Tune In
Listen to KVSH (940 AM) on Thursdays at 3 p.m. for live broadcast
WNAX (570 AM) on Wednesdays at 10:40 a.m.